Amit Elor Clinicss
Clinic Infomation
Please request a clinic by:
Filling out the Amit Elor Clinic Request form, or
Directly emailing at
You can also contact Amit on social media using the social media account linked from this website.
Amit usually does not collect a deposit or prepayment for clinics. Payment is usually due at the end of the clinic in the form of check or digital payment to her Venmo. Unless directly confirming with Amit, do not provide payment early or in any other form.
Amit's clinic fee is on a sliding scale depending on location and duration of the clinic. Generally, the fee is $10,000 lump sum and travel costs for a 2-4 hour clinic.
Scam Alert
Please be aware that there are people pretending to be Amit or representing Amit that are taking payments for clinics. Always use contact info and social media accounts linked from to coordinate with Amit or her representatives.
We’re very sorry if you were a victim of a scam and are happy to provide a letter to support any Zelle or payment disputes to get your money back.